Frö-paket 6 lite ovanliga sorter

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Pink Tiger
The Pink Tiger is a hot chili pepper Chinense cross between Bhut Jolokia and Pimenta da Neyde. The plant is dark/green and grows as Pimenta da Neyde. The fruits starts to dark purple and ripen to cream/peach with purple and pink shades.








Mojo Cream BxN
A cool Bhut x Neyde cross that ripen from light green to peach/cream color showing purple shades if under strong sun.
The plant is very productive and pods are pretty hot with Bhut Jolokia flavor.








Mojo Pink Pach Taj mahal
Originally Taj Mahal “Orange Tiger” from Mojo peppers. Orange was a color variation Chris Fowler found from some Pink Tigers and sent back to Mojo peppers







Mojo Big Mustard Mama
A variation of the Big Black Mama from my friend Primo (USA)… a very cool mustard – green super hot variety







Nagabrain Chocolate
The Nagabrain Chocolate is a very hot chili pepper. This is a real monster! The Nagabrain Chocolate is a very hot chilli pepper. It’s a Dorset Naga and 7 Pot Brain Strain the plants produce very gnarly tasty medium thick pods with a lot of capsaicin inside.







Orange Reaper Cross
Orange Reaper Cross is a cross between the Carolina Reaper and Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion







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